The Well Community Church is a brand new church, also known as a church plant. The DeLuca family was sent out in the summer of 2023 by Harmony Bible Church (in SE Iowa) to the St. Louis area with the goal of engaging the city, making disciples, and planting a church. Through vision trips, much prayer, and the Lord opening numerous doors, the Lord led us to pursue planting a church in the Kirkwood, Crestwood, and Sunset Hills area.
Through the gracious partnership of Geyer Road Baptist Church, The Well has a home location at 504 S. Geyer Rd. in Kirkwood, right in the heart of our target area. Moving to the area, beginning to engage the community, starting summer fellowship gatherings in 2024, all led to The Well Community Church's official plant and first worship service on September 8th, 2024. Since then we have sought to faithfully pursue our mission to glorify God through the worship and witness of Jesus Christ.